
A Different Facebook Ad Template That Rocks

In this video, I'll teach you a different way to create your Facebook ad. This will help you attract better clicks and draw attention in from your perfect prospect, customer. You

How To Sell More Using Facebook Ads (Retargeting)

Today's post is about sales. Selling. Value. Differentiation. Exchanging value for you can grow more, better, faster. Watch the "how to sell using Facebook ads video" now: We're going to talk about Facebook advertising once

How To Perfectly Target Facebook Ads

This is the latest presentation on how to get better results from targeting within the Facebook ads platform. Watch the "How To Target Facebook Ads Perfectly" A question we get often is

The Really Bad News About Facebook Advertising

What? Facebook Advertising? Facebook ads and the entire ads platform can seem like hell on earth at times. In fact, you are probably struggling with the whole idea right now. Watch the negative

Starting Facebook Ads The Right Way

Watch the presentation on Facebook Ads done the right way: Summary: "When it comes to Facebook Ads, most get it wrong from the start." - Jon Rognerud However, it's not about the tools or

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